- By Nam Phan Van Song
- ABRomics
The first version of the ABRomics platform is now open!
The ABRomics development team is pleased to announce the launch of the ABRomics platform! This online community-driven tool aims to scale up and improve surveillance and research on antibiotic resistance from a One Health perspective.
This first public release of the ABRomics platform offers free analysis of genomic data. It allows users to create a project, invite collaborators, upload genomic data and corresponding metadata, and to run a Galaxy workflow which includes the following analyses:
- – Quality metrics and contamination control
- – Genome assembly (in case of fastQ file format)
- – Taxonomy (strain typing)
- – Genome annotation
- – Detection of antibiotic resistance genes
- – Detection of virulence-associated genes
- – Detection of mobile genetic elements (plasmids, integrons, insertion sequences)
The full analysis report is accessible at the end of the workflow. In a public health perspective, the user will have the possibility to explore the data of other projects and thereby track the spread of specific antibiotic resistance traits or bacterial clones.
A user tutorial of this first version of the ABRomics platform is available on the ABRomics portal.

Do not hesitate to register, test and explore this first version of the ABRomics platform and to send your feedback to our support team.
Update: Version 1.1 (17/01)
After a soft launch in December, this newly released version 1.1 offers the following changes:
- 🚀 Added
- Terms and conditions are mandatory to register on the platform
- Demo files link on the platform Home page
- Import of multiple .xlsx templates when uploading samples
- ✨ Changed
- Disabled sample publication (both FastQ and FastA) until quality control is implemented
- Disabled of FastA file format sequence analysis until quality control is implemented
- 🛠️ Fixed
- MLST scheme and species display on reports
- Rework of public samples so that all public data remains on the platform even after the supervisor of a project deletes their account / project