A B R o m i c s


ABRomics is an online community-driven platform to scale up and improve surveillance and research on antibiotic resistance from a One Health perspective.

Paris, France

RICAI 2023

The 43th RICAI national conference will take place at the Palais des Congrès of Paris, on the 18 &19 December 2023. RICAI (interdiscipl...

Paris, France

Symposium Institut Pasteur & Science Po

Le Symposium conjoint entre l'Institut Pasteur et Sciences Po se concentrera sur les défis majeurs de l'antibiorésistance et de ...

⚠️ Due to maintenance work on our hosting center, a complete shutdown of the IFB Core Cluster, including the ABRomics Web Portal, is planned from October 7 to 11, 2024. ⚠️